Thursday, 23 April 2015

other binders


There are two forms of lime: quicklime and hydrated lime.
Quicklime is produced by heating rock or stone containing calcium carbonate (limestone, marble, chalk, shells, etc.) to a temperature of around 1000°C for several hours in a process known as 'calcining' or sometimes simply 'burning'. It is an unstable and slightly hazardous product and therefore is normally 'hydrated' or 'slaked', by adding water, becoming not only more stable but also easier and safer to handle.
To produce dry powdered hydrated lime just sufficient water is added for the quicklime lumps to break down to a fine powder. This material would have a 'shelf life' of only a number of weeks, depending on storage conditions. 'Old' hydrated lime would have partially carbonated and become a less effective binder.
However, if quicklime is hydrated with a large excess of water and well agitated, it forms a milky suspension known as milk of lime. Allowing the solids to settle, and drawing off the excess water, forms a paste-like residue, termed lime putty, which is the form of lime which can be used in building applications to best effect. This will keep almost indefinitely and, in fact, improves with age. In most countries, though, lime is most widely available as a powder, due to its widespread utilisation in process and treatment industries rather than in construction. Lime putty, which needs a stiff bag or container for transportation, is more rarely produced.
Limes with high calcium content, often called 'fat' or 'white' limes are desirable for most industries, although the construction industry can use limes containing impurities. For instance, limestones containing a proportion of clay are often seen as an advantage in building as they produce hydraulic limes which will set under water and will produce stronger mortars.
In the construction industry, lime, in its hydrated or putty form, is mixed with aggregate and water to produce concrete or mortar in the usual manner. Lime putties generally produce mortars and renders of excellent quality and consistency.
Plain lime-sand mortars are quite weak; any early adhesive strength results from drying out, and longer term hardening occurs through the action of the air's carbon dioxide on the lime.

Traditionally lime renders and plasters were often mixed with animal hair to improve cohesion. Today the addition of gypsum or Portland cement and/or pozzolanas to increase durability and give faster setting times is usual.


Pozzolanas are materials which, although not cementitious in themselves, will combine chemically with lime in the presence of water to form a strong cementing material. They include:
  • Volcanic ash
  • Power station fly ash (usually known as pfa)
  • Burnt clays
  • Ash from some burnt plant materials
  • Silicious earths (such as diatomite)

Materials not already in a fine powdered form must be ground, and some require calcining at around 600 -750 °C to optimize their pozzolanic properties.
Pozzolanas can be mixed with lime and/or Portland cement and can improve quality and reduce costs of concretes made from both materials.
In some countries (e.g. India and Kenya), pozzolanas are mixed with Portland cement and sold as blended cement, which in many respects is similar to Portland cement. In other countries (e.g. Cuba) lime/pozzolana/Portland cement blends are sold as an alternative to Portland cement. Lime-pozzolana cement by itself can make an excellent cementing material for low-rise construction or mass concrete and in some countries (e.g. Indonesia) is still produced extensively.

Gypsum plaster

Gypsum is a not an uncommon mineral, and needs only a low temperature, of around 150°C, to convert it into a very useful binding material, known as hemi-hydrate or plaster of Paris.
On its own, plaster of Paris sets very rapidly when mixed with water. To give time for it to be applied, around 5% of lime and 0.8% of a retarding material (such as the keratin glue-like extracts from boiling fish bones or animal hoof and horn) are added to the plaster.
Retarded plaster of Paris can be used on its own or mixed with up to three parts of clean, sharp sand. Hydrated lime can be added to increase its strength and water resistance. Gypsum plasters can be reinforced with various fibrous materials from reeds to chopped glass fibres.
Gypsum plaster is not wholly resistant to moist conditions and so is normally used internally, except in the drier Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries where it has traditionally been used as an external render.


Binding systems from history

The simplest, and possibly the earliest, binding material used was wet mud, and there are records of its use in ancient Egypt. Another example of a binder from the distant past is the use of naturally occurring bitumen by the Babylonians and Assyrians in their brick and alabaster (gypsum plaster) constructions.
Lime was known to the Greeks and was widely used by the Romans. The Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius published the first specification for the use of lime in building in his celebrated work De Architectura. The Romans also knew how to make a lime-pozzolana cement by adding materials such as volcanic ash or powdered bricks, tiles and pottery to lime.
That lime is an appropriate and durable binding material, especially when mixed with pozzolana, is well proven. The Pont du Gard at Nimes in France, a Roman aqueduct built in AD 18 with hydraulic lime-based mortar, is still waterproof; the excellence of the mortar is attributed to the selection of the materials and to the time spent tamping the mix into place during construction.
The rebuilding of the Eddystone lighthouse in the English Channel by John Smeaton in 1756 is a more recent development in 'lime technology'. It was achieved through Smeaton recognizing the hydraulic properties of lime that result from the burning of a clayey limestone. To make the highly water-resistant mortar needed for bonding the courses of stone, he thoroughly mixed this already hydraulic lime with an equal proportion of imported Italian pozzolana  to the mortar.

Why continue to use alternative cements

Major advantages of alternatives to Portland cement are that they are usually cheaper to produce, needing much lower or even negligible capital inputs to get started, and requiring far less imported technology and equipment. They can also be produced on a small scale to supply a local market resulting in greatly reduced transportation costs and a much greater degree of local accountability in the supply of building materials.
From an environmental angle lime-pozzolana cements can be produced with lower energy input than either lime by itself or Portland cement - giving a half to one third consumption in use compared with Portland cement and about one fifth compared with lime by itself. Low energy consumption is particularly prevalent with naturally occurring pozzolanas, or those from waste materials, which might need little additional processing other than drying. The use of clay as a binder, of course, results in negligible energy consumption in production.
Lower production costs mean lower prices for the consumer, enabling those who could not afford Portland cement to purchase and use a quality binding material.
Pozzolanic cements additionally have numerous other technical advantages to the user:
  • Improved workability
  • Improved water retention/reduced bleeding
  • Improved sulphate resistance
  • Improved resistance to alkali - aggregate reaction
  • Lower heat of hydration

  • The technical and economic advantages of alternative cements are not lost on architects and engineers from developed countries. Increasingly, architects, are becoming aware of the brittleness associated with Portland cement mortars, for example, and are now specifying blended lime/Portland cement mortars instead. As well as re-discovering the 'lost arts' of using alternative binders, recent research has enabled the properties of alternative binders to be thoroughly investigated and catalogued. A body of experience has built up on the appropriate application of traditional binders such as clay, lime and pozzolanas, not only in the repair and conservation of historic buildings, monuments and structures but also in adventurous and innovative new build applications.
    In some developing countries traditional binders are still slighted, probably because they might be associated with poverty or considered to be low status materials. Their performance and technical specifications might, completely unjustifiably, also be considered inferior to Portland cement, they might not be widely produced or available, or the skills to produce and use them might well have disappeared.

advantages of recycling waste

it has very ripple effect on the environment,it save gas consumption,helps in re usuing fuscel fuel ,

Ceramic Tile Process:

All the contents are mixed together with water to produce a slurry which is then dried and crushed into a powder. The powder is fed into tile presses which compress the tiles to the required shape, which are then fired in a kiln. Glazing is then applied to the tile and then the tile is re-fired to over 1000οC. The tiles are then inspected and any tiles with blemishes rejected for reprocessing, (this is an ideal point at which used tiles can join the rejects for recycling).Tiles are then packed and ready for dispatch to the wholesalers.

Recycling and Reuse of Bathroom Ceramic Tiles:

Before recycling the old tiles, they will have to have any large pieces of plasterboard removed from them. The tiles can then be crushed into a powder and water added to make a slurry. The gypsum from any remaining plasterboard must be removed along with the fixative (glue used to stick the tiles to the wall). Any traces of grout can remain in the slurry as grout contains some of the components used in the original tile mix. This slurry can then be added to the vessel containing the rejected tile slurry and well agitated before being dried and crushed to a powder. This powder is then run under an electromagnet to remove any metals, and a sample analyzed to ensure no undesirable elements are present. Once this is confirmed, this powder could then be added into the processed powder, just before the tile pressing stage. Tiles can be broken into suitable pieces and used as bottom liners in flower pots. This aids in the drainage of water from the pot compost. Some tiles will have broken to form quite unusual shapes. These bathroom tiles can be incorporated in garden walls, using tile adhesive (usually plenty left over after tiling), or used as material in an outdoor mosaic. The broken tiles can also be cut into different shapes (remembering to remove the sharp edges and wear eye protection), and by adhering a piece of old denim jeans to the back of the shapes, you can create great coasters for the garden patio area.




Reusing means to make things reused  in any kind of work. Taking about ceramic material, the ceramic industry inevitably generates wastes, irrespective of the improvements introduced in manufacturing processes. In the ceramic industry, about 15%-30% production goes as waste. These wastes pose a problem in present-day society, requiring a suitable form of management in order to achieve sustainable development. Large amounts of Ceramic waste are generated in ceramic industries creating impact on the environment and humans.

The use of the replacement materials offer cost reduction, energy savings, arguably superior products, and fewer hazards in environment. . The wastes employed came from ceramic industry which had been deemed unfit for sale due to variety of reasons, including dimensional or mechanical defects, or defects in the firing process.  Reuse of this kind of waste has advantages like economic and environmental, reduction in the number of natural spaces employed as refuse dumps.

Basically idea is to facilitate and to introduce the concept of sustainability in the construction sector. Such ideas are the translation of lifestyle of a society that how they make things possible for them to use even after using once in a positive manner.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Water Damage and Your Masonry Chimney

As odd as it may seem, water causes more damage to masonry chimneys than fire. Think about it for a moment. All the brick and other materials that make up your home are protected by the roof and eave, all that is, except your chimney. The chimney bravely sticks up above the roof constantly exposed to all the elements; rain, snow, and freeze/thaw cycles.
A masonry chimney is constructed of a variety of masonry and metal materials, including brick, mortar, tile, steel and cast iron. All of these materials will suffer accelerated deterioration as a result of prolonged contact with water.
Masonry materials deteriorate quickly when exposed to the freeze/thaw process in which moisture that has penetrated the materials periodically freezes and expands, causing undue stress. Water in the chimney also causes rust in steel and cast iron, weakening or destroying the metal parts.
Install a Chimney Cap
Chimney caps, also called rain covers, are probably the most inexpensive preventive measure that a homeowner can employ to prevent water penetration and damage to the chimney. Chimneys have one or more large openings (flues) at the top that collect rain water and funnel it directly to the chimney interior. A strong, well designed cap not only keeps this water out, but will also prevent birds and animals from entering and nesting in the chimney.
Caps also function as spark arrestors, preventing sparks from landing on the roof or other nearby combustible material.


Porous ceramic in the form of clay tiles are widely used in roofing as an insulating measure. Studies have shown that clay roof has a higher reflectivity and ventilation capacities compared to traditional roofing products also present on the market. This reduces the heat transfer in and out of the building by up to 50%, thus helping also in the reduction of power usage to keep the building at a desired constant temperature. Apart from being good insulators, ceramic roofing is also very strong and can withstand harsh weather, including slow, strong winds and heavy rain with no or minimal damage.

Benefits of Using Porous Ceramics

The first uses of porous ceramics was mainly in the industrial field, but with further development of the material, slowly this product is also making its way into household use, with its applications increasing day by day. Apart from being inexpensive to produce and environmentally friendly, its relative strength makes this material the obvious choice when producing certain key elements for the home which need to be both strong but financially reasonable. Two very common and popular applications of porous ceramics in modern households are water filtration systems and flooring.
Ceramic tiles is increasingly being used for flooring of rooms especially those which are either used regularly, such as bathroom and kitchens, or that are exposed to harsh weathers, such as garden flooring.  The advantage of using porous ceramic tiles for outdoors flooring compared to other types of tiles is that while being inexpensive, they are very strong, come in different shades and sizes and will withstand better different weather conditions than any other type of tile without fading or cracking. It is also very strong and therefore would withstand a strong blow such as something heavy falling on it.
Even if it is porous, the tile's pores are so small that there is no need of sealing the entire tile but only the grouting. The porous, especially in terracotta tiles, will help the tile dry quicker and also give it a non-slip effect, suitable for outdoors usage.
Along with the above mentioned benefits, ceramic tiles are easier to clean, and can be installed in a variety of ways giving a different effect and look to two places even if the same tile is being used.
Lastly, with the always increasing fast lifestyle, home owners cannot afford the time to invest in regular maintenance of their houses, and this means that installing ceramic tiles will give you more free time plus an increased house value if you decide to sell your property later on.

mixing marbel powder with waste ceramics

The ceramic body strength enhancement in sanitary ware becomes a crucial situation in order to achieve new design development. This design development is directly related to the investigation of present manufacturing process that involved forms, materials and techniques. The material use in this work is typical ceramic body namely porcelain. Porcelain is composed from china clay, feldspar and quartz. In sanitary ware, the challenge is to design forms within the limitations of the porcelain body which are the strength after casting and firing. In this work we modified the present porcelain body using a waste marble that obtained from the marble quarry. The obtained marble waste was grinned into dust and mixed into porcelain body slips. Standard slip casting characteristic was determined. Later the drying and firing characteristics were also determined, specifically the strength. The strength enhancement was observed as well as other properties enhancement. Thus the intricate design can be developed.

Use of marbel powder