Shuttle kiln
Site selection:
Selecting site for making shuttle kiln,there should be a
proper smoke and gas disposal system. So that area can served as best for kiln
and proper working can be done for best results. If there is no proper smoke
system then smoke can come out in working area and instead of going through
proper channel and will be a resi
Construction of the Shuttle kiln:
Steps to be
kept in mind while making kiln and proceeded accordingly.
For construction of shuttle kiln, layer of brick ballast is
laid with the thickness of 6" upon that layer we laid concrete bed having
3" inches thickness.
Ratio of mortar for
this bed is 1:3 of its components. On this concrete bed a layer is constructed
again which is again made up of concrete. For the surface treatment an iron
channel has been applied which is used as the railing base for the movement of
materials in the kiln. In the construction the plan has been made and then
alignment has been made according to the plan requirements. Coarse of red
bricks has been laid upon the plan having 1'-6" in its height and with the
thickness of 9”.

Construction of this kiln base there is a gap of 5” have been
places, upon which the iron channels have been places which are used in further
construction of kiln.

the top of these red brick course the layer of fire brick has been laid with
its 6” in its height and 7” in its wistance for working. Fire brick has been laid
with a gap of 2.5” from the starting corner of red brick edge, which is present
in the base of fire brick layer. The gap between the fire bricks course and
iron channel is 4’5” for the placement of block burner. After the construction
of fire brick course which has width of 9” from the inner
wall of the kiln and 4” wall has been made with theirred bricks becomes the
outer wall of the kiln. Mixture which is used in the construction of fire
bricks coarse has specific components containing grog, fire clay and pottery
clay and ratio of red brick mortar is 1:4 in its mixture.